Contemplating making change ultimately involves conducting conscious self-assessment. Upon this journey we partake in the observation, examination, reflection and introspection of self. The outcome of self-assessment is developing a sense of self-awareness. Many of my clients are amazed about what they learn about themselves after they put themselves under the microscope. People pinpoint their origins of anger, inherited intergenerational conflict behaviours, strengths and deficits etc. Awareness of self is indeed empowering and essential for taking charge of change.
The second step of change is ‘Making the Honest Decision to change’. We must come to terms, be honest to ourselves and accept our realities. Without making the Honest Decision to change we will find ourselves right back where we started in no time. Hence we must make a conscious choice to change our lives based on our unique truths. In conjunction with our conscious choice to initiate change we must be willing and open to change. Making the Honest decision to change demands a commitment where the individual is prepared to stay the course. The road to change maybe rocky and unpredictable at times however we must be prepared to challenge ourselves to overcome obstacles in areas where we want to see change. Taking on Change will demand that we must be courageous. To not revert to old behaviours and look for the easy way out be prepared to exercise bravery. Not only does being courageous build character it eliminates our perceived fears which invariably prepares us for future challenges. Curiosity about our potential to change is a driving force that fuels change. The ‘What if I try a bit harder or what will happen if I go that extra step?’ raises our confidence when facing the uncertainty of change. Communicating our decision to change is integral as it alerts others of our intentions, also the more we say it we literally speak our change into existence.
Are you contemplating change but haven’t made the next step? Today’s the day; make that honest decision to change. Use the 7C’s (Conscious Choice, Challenge, Commitment, Courage, Curiosity, Change and Communication) to support you along the way!